

The Donate/Support page on our 0xMintyn serves as a crucial hub for sustaining and expanding our initiative. By contributing, you directly empower individuals and communities globally. Your support fuels our mission to alleviate poverty, promote economic stability, and foster a more equitable society.

Why Donate?

Impactful Change

Your donation makes a tangible difference in the lives of those struggling with financial hardships, providing a safety net and promoting social well- being.

Global Reach

We aim to extend UBI benefits to diverse regions, ensuring that marginalized communities worldwide benefit from a basic income guarantee.

Innovation and Research

Funds contribute to ongoing research and innovation, enhancing the effectiveness of our UBI model and adapting it to evolving economic landscapes.

Impactful Change

Supporting our platform helps maintain robust technology infrastructure, ensuring seamless delivery of UBI payments and efficient administration.

How Your Support Works

Direct Cash Transfers

Your donation directly funds cash transfers to eligible recipients, offering immediate relief and fostering economic empowerment.

Advocacy and Awareness

Donations contribute to advocacy efforts, raising awareness about the importance of UBI and fostering a supportive environment for policy changes.

Community Programs

We invest in community development projects, education initiatives, and vocational training, creating sustainable opportunities for individuals to thrive.

Donation Tiers

Bronze Supporter

A small monthly donation that collectively adds up to make a significant impact on a community level.

Silver Patron

A moderate contribution that supports the expansion of UBI coverage, reaching more individuals in need.

Gold Benefactor

A substantial donation that enables us to implement innovative solutions, conduct in-depth research, and advocate for systemic change.

Recognition and Transparency

Donor Wall

Acknowledgment of our generous donors on a dedicated page, expressing our gratitude for their commitment to our cause.

Financial Transparency

We ensure complete transparency in fund allocation and provide regular updates on the impact of donations through detailed financial reports.

How to Donate

One-time Donation

Make a quick and easy one-time contribution to support our cause.

Monthly Subscription

Join our community of sustaining supporters by setting up a recurring monthly donation for continuous impact.

Corporate Partnerships

Explore opportunities for corporate partnerships, demonstrating your organization's commitment to social responsibility.

Your support on the Donate/Support page is instrumental in realizing the vision of a more inclusive and equitable world through the implementation of Universal Basic Income. Together, we can create lasting positive change and empower individuals to lead dignified lives.