

US local initiatives: A patchwork of Experiments

US local initiatives: A patchwork of Experiments In recent years, the United States has witnessed a patchwork of experiments in the form of Universal...

Switzerland’s referendum

Switzerland’s referendum: A pivotal Moment In 2016, Switzerland held a groundbreaking referendum on the implementation of a Universal Basic...

India’s UBI experiment

India’s UBI experiment India’s cautious approach to exploring a Universal Basic Income (UBI) has garnered attention as the nation grapples...

Spain’s bold step Amidst crisis

Spain’s bold step Amidst crisis Spain’s recent decision to embark on a Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot project amidst economic...

Alaska’S Dividend Model

Alaska’S Dividend Model Alaska’s unique Universal Basic Income (UBI) model, implemented through the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD), offers...

Canada progressive approach

Canada progressive approach In recent years, Canada has embraced a progressive approach by exploring the feasibility of Universal Basic Income (UBI)...

Finland pioneering Experiment

Finland pioneering Experiment In 2017, Finland embarked on a groundbreaking experiment by implementing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) trial, aiming to...